DCDL#: 21TTW09Tristan
PUBLISHING DATA From album "Toward The Within", Track 13.   1994
"nein" dahter allez wider sich
"No," thought he, all against himself,
"la stan, Tristan, versinne dich,
"Leave [her] alone, Tristan, consider [this,] come to your senses,
Niemer genim es keine war."
It was never easy for anyone."
So wolte et ie daz herze dar;
The heart would ever have it so; (approx.)
Wider sinem willen crieget er,
He gets the opposite of what he wills, (lit.: Contrary to his will he receives.).
Er gerte widerr,siner ger:
He desired against his own desire. (Or even: He strove against his own lust; Er gehrte gegen seine Gier.).